
Third Symposium of the European Network for Nonsmooth Dynamics
Munich 11-12 June 2013

Organizers : Thorsten Schindler (TUM, Munich) Remco Leine (ETH, Zurich) and Vincent Acary (INRIA, Grenoble)

Tentative Program & Abstracts

a picture of the group

More pictures of the event


Wednesday 11 June

8:30 Arrival at the institute and coffee
9:00 opening by Thorsten
9:10 Talk 1: Kanat Camlibel
Title : Linear passive systems and maximal monotone mappings
10:05 coffee break
10:30 Talk 2: Benjamin Biemond
Title: Dynamical collapse of trajectories
11:25 coffee break
11:40 Talk 3: Antonio Pinto da Costa
Title : Directional instability or positive cone‐ constrained eigenvalues: the mechanical and algebraic faces of a same problem (GS)
12:35 lunch
14:00 small break
14:15 Talk 4: Roland Zander
Title : Modeling and Simulation of Contacts in SIMPACK
14:45 Talk 5: Frederic Dubois
Title : Hybrid rigid--deformable modeling of divided material using a floating frame formulation
15:40 Break
16:05 Talk 6: Dan Flickinger
Title : Standard Benchmarks and Performance Metrics for Multibody Dynamics Simulation System
17:00 coffe break
17:10--17:30 Institute Overview (D. Rixen) + Foto
18:45 Meeting at U6 Garching Forschungszentrum
20:00--23:00 Augustinerkeller with Biergardening

Thursday 12 June

8:30 Arrival with coffee
9:00 Talk 7 : Olivier Bruls
Title : Activation of constraints at position and velocity levels in the nonsmooth generalized-alpha method
09:55 small break
10:20 Talk 8: Vincent Visseq
Title : Does an augmented interface problem can improve the efficiency of substructured contact dynamic algorithms ?
11:15 Walk to the institute
11:30 Institute Visit
12:30 Lunch
14:15 Talk 9: Zoltan Dombovari
Title: On the Nonsmooth Dynamics of Conventional Milling Processes
15:25 Talk 10: James Ing
Title : Bifurcations and stiffness identification of impact oscillators
16:20 Closing
16:30 End of the symposium